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Graphic representation of our git flow for stories

|                        |
|   Checkout New Branch  |
|                        |
          |                     |
          v                     |
+---------------------------+   |
|                           |   |
|   Develop/Implement       |   |
|      Story                |   |
|                           |   |
+---------------------------+   |
          |                     |
          v                     |
+---------------------------+   |
|                           |   |
|   Submit Branch for       |   |
|     code Review           |   |
|                           |   |
+---------------------------+   |
          |                     |
          v                     |
+---------------------------+   |
|                           |   |
|     Branch Merged to      |   |
|      Main (Dev Site)      +---+
|                           |
|                           |   
|    Manual and UX/UI       |   
|  Testing Assigned in      |   
|       Taiga               |   
|                           |   
          |                     |
          v                     |
+---------------------------+   |
|                           |   |
| Testing of story on Dev   |   |
|                           |   | 
+---------------------------+   |
          |                     |
          v                     |
+---------------------------+   |
|                           |   |
|   Testers Move Testing    |   |
| To Done and Create Issues |   |
|  with Story Number Prefix |   |
|                           |   |
+---------------------------+   |
          |                     |
          v                     |
+---------------------------+   |
|                           |   |
|   Issues Fixed During     +---+
|        Sprint             | 
|                           |   
|                           |
|    Release planned        |
|                           |
          |                     |
          v                     |
+---------------------------+   |
|                           |   |
| General Issues Added to   |   | 
|    Release Milestone      |   |
|                           |   |
+---------------------------+   |
          |                     |
          v                     |
+---------------------------+   |
|                           |   |
| Issues In Milestone Fixed |   |  
|                           |   |
+---------------------------+   |
          |                     |
          v                     |
+---------------------------+   |
|                           |   |
|     Package Updates       |   |
| and Translations Merged   |   |  
|                           |   |
+---------------------------+   |
          |                     |
          v                     |
+---------------------------+   |
|                           |   |
| Stage Released and Tested |   |
|                           |   |
+---------------------------+   |
          |                     |
          v                     |
+---------------------------+   |
|                           |   |
|     Prod Released         +---+
|                           | 
git_workflow.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/28 10:41 by p.morland